PoroTwin, 3.6MNOK, 2021-2022
Client: Wintershell
Research area: Building a digital twin of porous media flow

Hole Cleaning Monitoring, 16MNOK, 2021-2025
Work Package Manager,
PhD supervision 
Client: RCN, Vår Energi and AkerBP, TDE Norge
Research area: Hole cleaning monitoring in drilling with distributed sensors and hybrid methods

PERSEUS, PhD supervision                                                                                                              2021-2028
Client: RCN, H2020
Research area: Digital twin for autonomous surface vehicles

NorthWind, Work Package Manager, PhD supervision                                 120MNOK,  2021-2028
Client: RCN, Numerous Industry partners Research area: Digital twin for Wind Farms

RAPID, Researcher                                                                                                        10MNOK, 2020-2023
Client: RCN, DNVGL, Dt. Tech Olav Olsen Research area: Hybrid analysis and modeling

SFI Autoship, PhD supervision                                                                             240MNOK,  2020-2023
Client: RCN, Several industry partners Research area: Situational awareness

EXAIGON, WP Manager and PhD supervision                                                 16MNOK,  2020-2023
Client: RCN, Several industry partners Research area: Explainable machine learning

CONWIND, PostDoc Co-supervision                                                                      25MNOK,  2020-2024
Client: RCN, Norway-Chine research collaboration Research area: Reduced order modeling of wakes

Autosit, WP Manager and PostDoc supervision                                                  12MNOK,  2019-2022
Client: RCN, Kongsberg, DNV GL, Marine Robotics
Research area: Long term trajectory prediction for autonomous ships

Lofoten airport citing, Investigator                                                                      900kNOK, 2018-2019
Client: KVT
Research area: Citing of an optimal location for a proposed airport in the Lofoten region

Fluoro Special Analysis, Researcher and Quality Assurance                       300kNOK,  2018-2018
Client: Forsvarsbygg
Research area: Investigation of the impact of a proposed hanger on the flying conditions at the Florø airport

Air Transport of Blood, Work Package Manager                                            1.2MNOK,  2018-2021
Client: Norwegian Research Council (HELSEVEL) Research Partners: FFI, MET, Intervention Center
Research area: Aerial Transport of Biological material between hospitals

DIGMOB, Work Package Manager                                                                          800kNOK,  2018-2021
Client: Norwegian Research Council (TRANSPORT 2025)
Research area: Digitalisation and mobility (DIGMOB): Smart and sustainable transport in urban agglomerations

Hybrid Analytics, Project Manager                                                                                      2MNOK, 2018
Client: SINTEF
Research area: Combining physics-driven and data-driven models

POP-SEP MLFunc, Researcher                                                                                          150kNOK, 2017
Client: SINTEF
Research area: Predicting the thermoelectric behavior of new chemical molecules using Machine Learning

E8, Proposal Writing,                                                                                                                100kNOK, 2017
Client: Statens Vegvesen
Research area: Towards Designing Intelligent Transport Solutions

BIGLEARN, Project Manager                                                                                              600kNOK, 2017
Client: SINTEF

  • Serve as one of the four core members of the BIGLEARN initiative within SINTEF designing a roadmap geared towards digitization
  • Instructional work on Machine Learning for SINTEF employees.

AI-CLIMAMOB, Researcher                                                                                                 350kNOK, 2017
Client: TØI

  • Quantify the impact of climate on urban mobility and develop Machine Learning Algorithms to predict number of pedestrians and vehicles on a stretch of road at a particular instance of time.

ANALYTICS TECHNOLOGY WATCH, Project Manager                                    1mNOK, 2017
Client: Kongsberg

  • Help the client improve and use their Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology plat- form as a competitive edge in the new age of digitalization and design its future value propositions.

ESUSHI, Quality Assurance                                                                                                   200kNOK, 2016

  • Analysis of the complicated relationship between meteorological data, oceanographic biomarkers (algae, planktons etc.) and fish catch reports (species caught, equipment used etc.).

E3WDM, Quality Assurance                                                                                               300kNOK, 20176

  • Clustering of time series based on graph weighted by correlation revealing underlying structure. Automatic anomaly detection in sensor data.

OPWIND, Work Package Manager                                                                              7mNOK,  2017-2020
Client: Norwegian Research Council, Statoil and Vattenfall (ENERGIX)
Research Partners: SINTEF Energy, SINTEF Digital, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, NTNU International Partners: NREL, DTU
Research Area: Real time control system for wind farms, Aerodynamics, Reduced Order Modelling

E39, Task Manager                                                                                                           600kNOK, Jan 2017-
Client: Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Vegvesen
Research partners: Wind in complex terrain and fjord relevant for bridge designs and road transport.

FSI-WT (Fluid Structure Interaction for Wind Turbine) 20mNOK, 2012- 2017
WP Manager
Client: Norwegian Research Council, Statoil, Trønderenergie, WindSIM, Kjeller Vindteknik Research Partners: SINTEF ICT, NTNU, FFI, Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Research Area: Fluid Structure Interaction, Aerodynamics, Power Forecasting, Ocean-MET inter- actions, Wake-terrain-turbine-atmosphere interaction modelling

NOWITECH, Task Manager                                                                                        4mNOK,  2009-2017
Client: Norwegian Research Council, Statoil, Statkraft, DNV, Dong, CD-ADAPCO Research Partners: NTNU, SINTEF ICT, SINTEF Energy, MARINTEK, IFE
Research Area: Numerical Methods for Wind Energy, Isogeometric Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, New turbine concepts

URBASIM, Project Manager                                                                            1.5mNOK, Jan-Dec 2016
Client: Norwegian Research Council
Research Area: Wind Energy in an Urban context, Building refurbishment, Air conditioning, Urban Geometry Modelling, Aerodynamic Buildings, 3D printing and scanning, Urban Climatology

DRIFT TURBULENS, Project Manager                                                                      12mNOK, 2010-
Client: Norwegian Meteorological Institute & Avinor
Research Area: Aviation, Atmospheric turbulence, Microscale wind and turbulence prediction system

SOLA Special Analysis, Project Manager                                                          600kNOK, Nov 2016-
Client: Sømmvågen III AS
Research Area: Building induced turbulence, Aerodynamic buildings, Architecture

EXTBUILDFLOW, Project Manager                                                           1.5mNOK, Jan-Dec 2015
Client: Norwegian Research Council
Research Area: Urban Geometry Modelling, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Turbulence Modelling

NEST: Thermal Heat Storage, Quality Assurer                                                   500kNOK,  2014-2015
Client: NEST
Research Area: Thermal heat storage, thermal stresses induced fracture modeling, design optimization

SESAR (Single European Sky Air traffic management Research), Researcher                                                                                                                                                                  12mNOK, 2010-2016
Client: Euro Control
Research Area: Aircraft wakes, Aviation Safety, Vortex Particle Method

Avinor FoU, Project Manager                                                                                   5.2mNOK,  2010-2013
Client: Avinor
Research area: Aviation safety, Atmospheric Turbulence Modelling

BUILDSIM, Project Manager                                                                     275kNOK, Jan-March 2015

Client: FG Eiendom

DAEDALUS, Task Manager                                                                              275kNOK, Jan-Dec 2015
Client: European Space Agency
Research partners: Satavia, Catapult, Avinor ANS, NCAR, UiO Research area: Atmospheric turbulence, Sensor integration in aircraft

Bodø Special Analysis, Project Manager,                                               200kNOK, Feb-March 2016 Gimsøya Airport Siting, Project Manager,                         300kNOK, Nov 2015-Dec 2016

Sandane Special Analysis, Project Manager,                                                    150kNOK, Dec 2016-

Ørsta Volda Special Analysis, Project Manager,                                               150kNOK, Dec 2016- Sola Special Analysis, Project Manager,                                          300kNOK, Jan-Dec 2015

Flesland Harbour Analysis, Project Manager,                                       250kNOK, June-Sep 2010

Faroe Island Airport Siting, Project Manager,                                                    250kNOK, 2010-2010 Stokka Airport runway siting, Project Manager,                                                                                                                                                                                  150kNOK

Kjevik Speial Analysis, Project Manager, 150kNOK                                                               150kNOK

Alta Special Analysis, Project Manager, 150kNOK                                                                  150kNOK

Haugesund Special Analysis, Project Manager, 150kNOK                                                   150kNOK